Here is the list of Dinners we've cooked up here at Dinners&Dates:
BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwich
Brunch Dinner Party Spread
Garlic/Herb Roasted Chicken with a No-Bake Casserole
Grilled Pork Chops and Pasta Salad
Lemon-Sesame Shrimp and Spinach-Smashed Potatoes
Mac n' Cheese with a Side Salad
Mom's Stuffed Peppers
Pasta, Meatballs, & Salad Bar
Quick Chicken Stir-fry
Sausage & Peppers Mockery
Simple, Healthy, Mini-Buffet
Springtime Salad & Pina Colada Dessert
Strawberry Chocolate Dessert Tortilla
Super Simple Chicken Salad
TJ's Black Bean Soup
Tomato-Rice Salad
Tomato/Pepper-Bacon/Cheese Omelette