Monday, May 23, 2011

Super Easy Entertaining

Tonight, we had my future mother-in-law over for dinner. Since it is the beginning of the work week, I opted for the easiest dinner a girl could make: pasta and salad with ice cream for dessert. Too easy, yet still delish and loved by all.

I bought the pasta sauce and meatballs at a local Italian deli, which is superb! Rarely will I buy pre-made foods. However, you can tell the deli serves fresh, homemade, authentic foods. Yum!

Here is the salad bar I set up:

I set up a main salad with scallions, carrots, cukes, and chick peas. I had additional toppings on the side as not everyone likes the same things. The other toppings were: sliced-n-diced leftover grilled chicken, cheeses, fresh cut off the cob-corn, basmati rice, avocado, dried cranberries, sunflower seeds, and sliced almonds.

God, I really love salads and salad toppings way too much! A little overboard and obsessed, sorry!

Here is the salad I made for myself with all the toppings - crans:

How yummy does this pipping hot dish of pasta and meatballs look?

That's amorè!

Hello carb loading!

...Oh wait, you're only supposed to do this before a long run???---Whoops!

& everyone's favorite...Ice Cream:

Natural vanilla with a drizzle of chocolate syrup.

Overall, not the healthiest of meals, but we had a great time and it took our thoughts off this depressing/never-ending rainy weather. I'd call it a success!

Happy Eating!!!!

What easy entertaining meal would you cook?

What's your favorite food?

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